What now

Before I get into what I have done this year (a review) and what I will be doing next year, I want to let you know what I am doing right now. 

I am in Washington state, seeing my niece for the first time and meeting with many of you, the people who are part of my team.

I have been having a great time seeing the baby and getting to know her. 

This past year, I staffed two schools, The Discipleship Training School and the Bible Core Course (DTS and BCC). 
I have been on mission trips to Switzerland, Greece, North Africa, India, and in Spain (Malaga, Granada and the Camino de Santiago) 

In the DTS, I led a team to Greece and was able to work with a center in Thessaloniki, helping refugees there and sharing God’s love to those people and as well as to the Greeks. 

I also loved going to India with a team from Spain, working to build a bridge from one continent to another.   

I think it’s amazing the impact that one country can have on another, like the relationship between Spain and India 
If you want to meet with me, I’m here in the Washington state for the next few weeks and I’d love to connect.


After this time with my family and being in the States, I will go to Sweden to work with a counselling ministry and with the FCM ( Foundations for Counselling Minstry) by being staff for 3 months.

As I take this new step in my life  please keep me in your prayers. Thank you for everyone who has given and who are giving and for being a part of my team. 

If you want to support me you can through my church with the “Give” button at the bottom (just remember to “designate” Nathan Schiewek)  or through my Paypal link, here- paypal.me/NathanSchiewek

Thank you.